taking stock


found this from sydney who found it from pip and now playing along :)

making :if you can call it "making" but i am finishing up our wedding album and picking out all of the photos that are going to be in it... only 8 months later, oops.
cooking : well i just finished up making a chicken tomato pasta (gotta get in all of those tomatoes while we can) and a batch of granola.. (too obsessed, will post recipe soon)
drinking : green tea. yum.
reading: french women in all seasons by mireille guiliano
wanting: the perfect pair of olive colored jeans. have been on a search for awhile and have had no luck.
looking: out the window and noticing the first few leaves starting to change color.
playing: with the little girl, as always. we have been spending lots of time reading and squeezing every last bit of summer before it gets too cold and we can't go to the parks anymore. it is going to be a sad day when it hits.
wasting: a lot of time today. i have a lot of homework, and not that much of it has gotten done.
sewing: hah nothing. i wish. i keep saying i want to learn how to embroider 
wishing: we had more money to travel more. i want to get out in the world, go to new places, explore europe a little more
enjoying: the last of summer and the beginning of fall. september and october are my favorite months so i am taking them all in
waiting: on the day when we don't have student loan debt.
liking: reading in bed
wondering: what my first "big girl" job will be. and what life will be like when i am not nannying. kinda scary. and kinda don't want that part of my life to start quite yet.
loving: apples. we even had an apple themed dinner earlier this week. 
hoping: that winter will treat us nicely this year 
marvelling: growth, everything naturally evolves and grows (babies, animals, vegetables)
needing: time with my sisters. but one is in denver. boo.
smelling: my chanel perfume
wearing: a big comfy scarf. and a maxi skirt. 
following: so many good instagram feeds lately. 
noticing: that if you are nice to a stranger, it might make their day.
knowing:that coffee solves most problems, or at least helps them.
thinking: i should try and not eat so much sugar.
bookmarking: on martha stewarts website, doing some dinner prep. or casual reading. either way it is something that i love to do. i have also started to get back into pinterest. 
opening: up some see's chocolate i just bought. (have you ever had see's, its so good)
giggling: when chad and i watch funny vines at night before bed. the perfect way to end the day.
feeling: so content, my heart is full and for once in my life i feel at peace. i am not anticipating the next step, i am just taking it all in.


  1. Love this! So fun :)

  2. haha I just started our wedding album and it is well over a year now!

    waiting: yes! same here.

    I like this...I might just have to do it too!

  3. ohhh I love this. I need to play along too :)

  4. This is awesome! I think I might play along! Totally love this post. I relate about those olive colored jeans! If you find a good pair, let me know!

  5. I feel like I'm always drinking green tea :) And reading in bed, preferably when it's raining outside. Best. Ever.

  6. totally saved this same post from Sydney and Pip to do later :) great minds...


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