over the weekend chad and i decided to sneak up to the northshore for our three year anniversary! we have been itching to get away for quite some time now. we thought of instead of going south, why not explore some of our own beautiful state. the last time we snuck up there was for our six month anniversary but, then it was july, and the weather was obviously extremely different. it was beautiful. the scenery unreal, and, luckily for us it wasn't even that cold out. more photos will be coming soon of that adventure. but! for this little adventure the story goes back to the watch. i've been a fan of jord watches now for a while... i was rocking out this ONE for a while back but have become fixated on this new style, and new this new color! i tend to be more of a neutral gal, but i am trying to expand my pallet a little more, specifically with accessories. now im not sure if i could fully rock a purple outfit. a purple watch will do.

outfit details: watch// jord vest// stormy kromer shirt// nordstrom pants// nordstrom