trips to the bakery


dear sunny skies. i am loving you. finally i get to feel like it is spring, no more crummy/weird spring. hooray! dear my dream life in france boy do i wish i lived in europe. i have a huge heart for europe, all of their local shops and bakeries, living there would be such a pleasure. however i do have to be thankful for all of the lovely bakeries in the minneapolis area, they make up for it with their delicious bread. and make me feel like i am in france. this may or may not be the reason why i go often ;) dear katie i am excited to be hosted your bachelorette party at my house today. hope you are excited for the fun theme i have in store! dear books why oh why do i love you so. i just finished some excellent foodie books and ordered a couple more off amazon, my life with chickens and summer at tiffany's (thanks ally for the recommendation!) dear birthday wow you are sneaking up... only two weeks.


  1. dear heather, i'm in love with your loafers.

    1. Me too! Where are they From?

  2. mmm breadsmith!! my one true bread love. I used to work right next to one, it was a serious problem.

  3. Mmmmm I can almost smell that fresh bread. Nothing better! :)

  4. That bread looks amazing!! Happy Friday!

  5. I can't ever seem to read enough... I'm always buying new books before I even finish the ones I have lined up to read. I think I have about 7 books on my "to read" list. Yay for your birthday! I usually celebrate for a whole week if I can!

  6. I love the bakeries that take you out of Minneapolis and into France. Have you ever been to Patisserie 46? It's just like you stepped into Paris. I go to school at St. Thomas and love going out for breakfast with all of my girlfriends!

  7. Books are so addicting. I have mountains of them... and have a hard time reading them all. What foodie books did you read??

  8. i want to see your library of books, it must be huge!

  9. I want to visit Europe so badly! I love little cafes and bakeries. There are not many around where I live, sadly. I would love to hear about the books you are reading! Any recommendations?


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